Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Challenge! "Me-Made-June'11"

I've signed up to take part in Zoe's Challenge  Me-Made-June '11.

'I, Shelly of Shelly's D.I.Y. Style!, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-June '11. I endeavour to wear at least one me made item each day for the duration of June 2011'

This will be my first challenge and challenge it will be.  Over the last few years life has taken over and I became very lazy.  I have not been sewing, preferring to buy RTW for the quick fix. (Read - I didn't have time for sewing.)  Sadly, my closet lacks in me-made garments and I find that now after I have signed up for this challenge I really do not have enough me-made items to wear for 30 days.  Soooo..... I had better get cracking and start sewing! 

Oh!!! the pressure. What shall I make?  Well, I do need a new straight black skirt and I, for some reason don't own a white shirt. That's a start I guess.  Now, what patterns to use, and fabric, mmm......

Well, even though it has put the pressure on I am looking forward to a new challenge.  Wish me luck.


  1. Good luck! I'm doing this challenge too, so we'll see each other over there!


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