1 skirt - for weekend wear
2 or 3 long sleeve t-shirt tops
1 dress - I'm joining the Rooibos Sewalong but I'm planning that one for Spring/Summer wearing so maybe another dress as well
Having made this public I thought perhaps I should get started on it. I decided to make the skirt first as I already had some cream coloured corduroy fabric in my stash. I wanted something that would be comfortable to wear. I've seen quite a few people have made the Beignet skirt from Colette Patterns and I really like it so I ordered the pattern, but that will have to wait for another time as I want to get started now!
I finished it last week and this is the first time I have worn it. The skirt rests just below my waistline resulting in a length a little longer than I would like. I'm not sure if it should sit below the waist as there is no description on the pattern. Possible reasons for this could be that the fabric stretched before I attached the waistband which is the most likely cause as the waistband was a bit short when I went to attach it and I had to use smaller end seams to make it fit or I have lost weight since cutting it out (not likely - but possible). Nonetheless I still like it and it's comfortable to wear. So unless I loose more weight hehehe rendering it too large I'm sure it will be worn a lot.
(Note to self - replace very old and worn garments in my closet e.g. top and cardigan I'm wearing in this photo.)
That's one thing ticked off my list of August sewing. I've started the muslin for the Rooibos dress but I better get cracking if I'm going to make those t-shirts before the end of August. What are your sewing plans for August? Are you making any progress?
I never publicise my plans - but I do have 5 items cut, 1 commenced.